OANJ NewsDear OANJ Member,We are proud to partner with OANJ. Rochester Optical is offering to the OANJ members, up to $1000 of complimentary AR from our Enduro Brand of products when order in the first 60 days when you purchase your lenses at your normal price. Enduro coatings can be applied to digital & conventional PALs, FT Bifocals & Trifocals & SV lenses. From our entry level Prime coating, the Super Hydro/Oleophobic Premier coating, and the Blue Absorbing Azuro all of our coatings include a durable 2-sided hard coat!
We feature our RO line of digital progressives from the most advanced dual sided PALs to a good entry level backside PAL at a great price! If you prefer, we are proud to be an Independent Distributor of Essilor lenses
Contact me by email, or by calling my cell number listed below. Best regards,
Lis Quinn Optical Sales Specialist | Rochester Optical m:201-280-6412 1260 Lyell Ave | Rochester, NY 14606 Thanks for your renewal, and your patience!OANJ Membership is climbing again and it comes at a great time as more voices are needed to promote OANJ's advocacy goals that protect practice and a professional pay scale for licensed opticians. Our renewal system has worked well, but some renewing and new members experienced a 'glitch' caused by the timing of their payments. The issue is resolved and those impacted were notified. If we missed anyone and your invoice indicates a December 2019 expiration date, please know that your record has the correct date and your membership is current through December 31, 2020. If you need a corrected invoice, please contact the OANJ Office at 609-695-0030. We regret any inconvenience and appreciate your support and patience. If you still have yet to renew -please do so as soon as possible. You can easily renew online by logging into the OANJ website or contacting the office. Renew today and encourage your colleagues to do so as well. We need every voice in these challenging times. Welcome Coburn Technologies!
Coburn Technologies, Inc. has become OANJ's newest Corporate Partner. Coburn Technologies, Inc. is a leading, global provider of computer-integrated ophthalmic lens processing systems and ophthalmic instruments. They design, manufacture, and service software, equipment and supplies used in all aspects of surfacing prescriptions in lens blanks, coating and finishing lenses to fit into patient frames. Coburn Technologies, Inc. also provides a broad range of diagnostics, refraction and retinal imaging equipment for a more complete solution to the eye care professional. To learn more, visit https://www.coburntechnologies.com/ |